My thoughts, opinions, and whatnots.

Archive for January, 2015

The Darkness Before Dawn Series Review

Well, I recently finished reading the Darkness Before Dawn series by J.A. London. I have to say that I liked the series. I liked the fact that it had action-packed scenes as well as take-a-deep-breath scenes. However, I have two questions that I thought weren’t really answered in the series. One of the questions involves the issue of the lack of Old Family female vampires and having naturally born vampires. My question is would there be enough Old Family female vampires to keep up a relatively viable Old Family vampire population. Because the book series made it seem like there’s a huge disparity between how many male and female vampires are born, with it skewed towards males. Plus, I would think that with so few Old Family female vampires, the female vampires had to have vampire children with a member of another Old Family vampire. So, that makes me think that all of the Old Family vampires would eventually be related to each other. Anyway, my second question deals with Octavian Montgomery and his family. How is it that only his family is the only Old Family that could reproduce with humans? And how did his family figure out that they could reproduce with humans? Did a Montgomery male have sex with a human female, and the woman got pregnant? Did the other Old Families try to reproduce with humans as well, and it just didn’t work? If that’s the case, what makes the Montgomery family different from the other Old Families? Anyway, I would recommend the series.
Darkness Before Dawn series

Summit At Sunset Review

So, I finished reading Summit At Sunset by Jaz Primo. Personally, I thought that the book was ok. I have to admit that this particular book was extremely action packed. And I liked how it revealed that Katrina and Caleb were not the only ones who were involved in a vampire/human relationship. However, I’m beginning to dislike the fact that the Katrina/Caleb is beginning to seem a lot like the Edward/Bella relationship Twilight. What I mean by that is the vampire in the relationship constantly has to either protect the human from other vampires or get the human out of some kind of trouble, usually by having other ally vampires keep the human in some kind of extreme measure. I don’t know if it’s just because of the nature of a vampire/human relationship that includes the human being in danger, whether it’s from other vampires or otherwise, that the vampire needs to protect the human from, but I’m getting a little tired of reading and watching vampire/human relationships. But that’s another issue. Anyway, like I said earlier, I thought that the book was ok. And to be quite honest, I would only recommend the book if you have read and liked the first two books, and want to continue the series.

Summit At Sunset