My thoughts, opinions, and whatnots.

Archive for October, 2010

Season 8’s Final Three

Wow, we’re down to the final three for season 8 of Project Runway. I can’t wait to see the finale tomorrow. Well, before I get to revealing who I think will be the winner, I want to talk about Michael’s elimination. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I had my reservations about him making it to Fashion Week. Like I said before, his taste level has been all over the place. One minute, it’s along the lines of Dior or Chanel. Maybe not Dior or Chanel exactly, but you get my point. The next minute, it’s the tackiest thing every. Anyway, on the other hand, I felt sorry for him because of his family situation. I can’t imagine what it’s like to not have your family support you in your dream career. Anyway, as for who I think will will…I think it’s going to be Mondo. I’m not sure why I chose him. After Mondo, I think Andy will be in second place, and Gretchen in third. Well, I’m going to keep my fingers crossed.
Project Runway Season 8

Rich Cronin’s Death

I recently found out about Rich Cronin’s death. I’m pretty sure that knowing who Rich Cronin is kinda dates me but I remember him from LFO. The only songs from them was Summer Girls and one from the first Princess Diaries movies. Anyway, I can’t believe that he’s dead. Not that I was a fan but it’s weird to hear that someone from a singing group from my generation is dead. And especially from a disease.
Rich Cronin

Mercedes McNab vs. Hayley Hasselhoff

I don’t know why but recently, I was on Mercedes McNab’s Wikipedia page and noticed that guest starred in Supernatural. Anyway, as a result, I typed in her name into Google and found some images so that I could try and remember who she was. After a while, besides remembering who she was from Supernatural, I realized that Hayley Hasselhoff and Mercedes look very similar. Well, at least, in terms of their faces. A little FYI, I know Hayley Hasselhoff from watching Huge.

Mercedes McNab and Hayley Hasselhoff

The Palatine Guards

Early last month, I finished Meg Cabot’s Insatiable. In the book, on of the characters is a part of the this group called the Palatine Guards. The Palatines are a group that are recruited by the Vatican in order to get rid of vampires and to free the victims of the vampires. What struck me about this group was how similar it was to who Van Helsing worked for in the movie Van Helsing, which starred Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckingsale. Did anyone pick up on that? Anyway, that’s what I think.

Van Helsing

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Review

This past Christmas, my friend Bob gave me the book Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson as a present. As a rule for myself, whenever a friend gives me a book to read for fun, I try to read it just in case the friend asks for my opinion on the book. Anyway, I finally got around to reading it back in August and was able to finish it in less than a week. In my opinion, the book is most definitely not the best book I have ever read. Personally, I think that the Twilight series is better, which is not saying much. The reason I say that about Maximum Ride is because the characters lack depth. Granted a few of the characters are young and don’t have much life experience, but I would think that the older characters would have a bit more depth than what was written for them. Anyway, the only thing that is good about the book, in my opinion, is the fact that it is very action oriented. But don’t take my word for it. Read it and form your own opinion.

Maximum Ride